matthew claire aka. matthew clair project art dokumentation archive: photo, video, audio, sculpture this archive is an ongoing project dedicated to the research for the aesthetic nature of the pure, unviolated mental image at its spring the matthew claire project is part of the GEDANKENSCHMIED-PROJECT
information / contact:
v i d e o photon field sequences #01, 4:05 min, COLOR, STEREO, projection
A bridge area between natural and artificial experimental arrangements. Loosely floating photon fields have been compressed into a dense succession. The human eye may experience these fields as rooms. Illusions are being provoked by innovative imaging techniques that remind us via microcosm to the macrocosm.
TRAILER: https://youtu.be/pP0tzLAWCUk
v i d e o ONETL, 3:03 min, COLOR, stereo, projection/loop
this sequence appeared on top of an electronic hell which was our place to live during some years in berlin. a contemporary reminder of the story of platos allegory of the cave unfold all its mystic dimesion during 3 minutes and 3 seconds.
v i d e o ANTICIPATION 12-15, 2:00 min, b&w, mute, projection/loop
In days of yore was something to be seen. Esthesia had been used for differentiation and discovery. Perceiving images meant to give a hint or a meaning. Notwithstanding - on an archaic level those dots remind us still of the fires of initiation.
v i d e o FERRARY, 1:28 min, COLOR, mute, loop
this color does not need any further explaination. scource and reference are determined by the creator of unlimited relative energy.
v i d e o FLYING CARPET 32A, 5:55 min, b&w, DOUBLE CHANNEL PRO; stereo, loop
Video and audio emanations of a highly realised yogi master have been re-edited and trans-formed into two-dimensional video- and three-dimensional audiowaves. A multi-dimensional plateau invites visitors to dive and relax into an extraordinary moment.
v i d e o FLYING CARPET 8C, 5:55 min, b&w, DOUBLE CHANNEL PRO; stereo, loop
Video and audio emanations of a highly realised yogi master have been re-edited and trans-formed into two-dimensional video- and three-dimensional audiowaves. A multi-dimensional plateau invites visitors to dive and relax into an extraordinary moment.
a u d i o second life, 8.30 min, mp3, stereo [photography by jurek weinberg]
now, in second life we experience an episode from the realm of shadows. down here, body, earth or spirit: the protagonist yields its days, searches, crosses, scrabbles conceptions and notions. His memories become light, he becomes dust, he is equal to an enormous glassy hollow body. weightlessly, floating.
http://members.mcnon.com/zgue/ click here to listen secondlife
V I D E O flower power, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 2.40 min
rhythmic study of a camera approaching a cooperation of frames, space, light, fingers and time. fascinated view on a situation that might happen in all day life.
V I D E O great moment, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 4.12 min
verry slow video loop of an artificial sky created with electric lights. feel free to let yourself be inspired during reception.
V I D E O le chanson de pomme de terre, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 2 min
rhythmic composition and replacement of 3 different images aiming to unify into an abstract imagination.
V I D E O indian lamp, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 2.05 min
rhythmic composition based on 44 photographs of an indian lamp that was found in a restaurant in leipzig, germany.
V I D E O female screw, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 38 sec
verry slow video loop, mixture of human and electric materials to represent a vision that was first documentated on paper in a scatch book.
V I D E O ring forest, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 2.00 min
rhythmic collage with mathematical symmetry and 4 times reproduction of rings that where documentated on a journey to one of the most famous historical fortress-citys on earth.
V I D E O spiral, colour, no sound, loop for black box, 10 sec
video image of a digitally manipulated spiral that was manually painted on a portable tablet screen computer. the spiral symbolizes an extract out of infinity and refers to to electroacustic music sounds contained in vinyl records still holding on spiral-technology.
P H O T O G R A P H Y orgasmen
this photography has been realised as a part of the "orgasm in the movies" - project
a u d i o spilur_vB, 1.48 min, stereo [photography by jurek weinberg]
In a few seconds I will have forgotten everything. With the seagulls, between the close lanes. I was already suspecting that the fortress would fall. No matter whose nation's uniform I was born into. Now I find myself on the sheath. Under a closer point of view everything is spread out differently into the past. Hate, meanness, greediness, silence, love, megalomania - the groan of the city is rooted inside. It sounds like a convoy that is marching backwards. Infinity is a match between yes and no. Various paths are crossing in the vanishing point.